We are hiring!

Scroll down to see all job openings. Please send your CV, cover letter and any other relievent documents to

info@mawagri.com or drop it in to MAW Agri

Shop assistant

We are looking for a new staff member to help within our family run agricultural and pet business. This will be a 40-45 hour per week contract with wages starting at minimum wage but depending on experience and desired skills salary can be discussed. Training will be given for any skills needed that individual does not have. Part time staff will be considered but must be able to complete full 9-6 days.

Job roles include but are not limited to:
- Serving customers on the till
- Loading and unloading customers’ orders into their vehicles
- Checking in and putting away deliveries

- Reporting invoice errors / missing items
- Giving advice to customers when necessary

Required skills / attributes
- Being able to lift up to and including 25kg safely and comfortably
- Good customer service
- Good memory (able to take in and retain information)
- Independent working
- Good oral and written communication
- Teamwork skills
- Good punctuality & attendance
- Strong work values

Desired skills / Components / experience
- SQP Qualified advisor
- Forklift licence
- Knowledge of dog food nutrition
- Knowledge of farm / equestrian food nutrition
- Knowledge of Roofing and Timber
- Able to convert metric and imperial measurements
- Have experience using an Epos till system
- Experience working with animals

You will be supplied with branded t-shirts and sweatshirts. We can embroider any other clothing at your request and purchase. Suitable trousers and Shoes are expected.

Jewellery/ Piercings
Minimal jewellery is ok as long as it does not get in the way or effect your jobs.
Discreet face piercings are ok as long as they do not affect your jobs, dangling earrings are not advised as they may get caught when carrying bags if lifted on to shoulder.

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent/ part time available

Salary: From £7.50 - £12.50 per hour

Yard Manager

The job role will consist of managing the roofing and timber yard, controling stock and helping customers. This is a very physical job, handballing is how over 50 % of our deliveries are brought in when forklift can not reach area to be stocked.

Jobs will include but not limited to:

  • Unloading lorries using a forklift

  • Checking in stock correctly and reporting any missing products

  • Putting away and replenishing stock using a forklift and by hand

  • keeping the yard clean and tidy

  • Advising customers about timber and roofing (training will be given)

  • Moving and stacking away bales of shavings, straw and hay.


Employee needs to be fit and physically strong as the job is manually demanding with the many products weighing approximately 20kg

Competent experience using a forklift (please send us a copy of you forklift certificate if owned, certificate is not required)

A* customer service polite and confident

Needs to be able to convert simple measurements from metric to imperial measurements

Job Types: Part-time and/or permanent spaces available

Salary: £9-£13.00 per hour